Seamlessly manage public holidays

Complete control, company-wide

Sometimes things happen that impact the whole company – from public holidays to team building events.

With WhosOffice, you can build these occasions into your schedule, so everyone knows what’s expected of them.


A clear calendar view

WhosOffice is the ideal way to manage public holidays alongside annual leave. You can bulk-import dates years in advance, for an accurate schedule at-a-glance.

  • Set public holidays by region or country
  • Make sure key dates show up on all staff calendars
  • Choose whether public holidays come out of allowances
  • Stop people taking leave when they are needed at work

This feature isn’t just for national holidays; you can add bespoke events such as training days, team building exercises and company conferences, to make sure everyone can attend.


Coordinate international calendars and events

Coordinate international calendars

WhosOffice public holidays feature is particularly useful for companies spanning multiple regions, as national days off will vary from country to country.

Building in public events will give you time to prepare, ensuring that workload is covered, and the wider team knows who’s off.

Set your own restrictions and allowance options

Set restrictions & allowances

WhosOffice enables you to put rules in place, depending on the type of event.

For example, on a public holiday, you may wish to grant all workers in that region the day off, without it being deducted from their annual leave entitlement. Equally, if there’s a company away day on the horizon, you may want to block staff from booking time off if their attendance is required.


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