Events are calendar entries that are related to your staff. These can consist of such things as Public Holidays, Company Stock taking days or just Informational Events for your company.
Events will show in the Work & Leave - Team / Daily Views as well as an Events - Calendar View. They are primarily used to represent Public Holidays which can be setup to not deduct allowance from leave requests or maybe to setup Restricted Days to ensure that staff do not book days off when they are required to be at work (e.g. Stock Taking Day).
Events can be applied to either a Group(s) or a Region(s), but not a mix of both.
Generally you create specific Events individually, which is great if there is a unique / specific Public Holiday within a certain country (Region), or if you are creating a company day. However, you can also Import Country and Region specific Public Holidays.
The "ACTION" will define what the system will do should a leave request be submitted across one of these Events. There are 3 types of Action:
*Event Types will show up differently on the various views where they appear. The Free Day, Bank Holiday type will show instead of any Work that has been planned on the Work & Leave - Team View. However, Restricted Days and Information Only events will show as well as any Work. Leave will also be shown as well as the Event regardless of the type.
Any Events that get added/removed with the Action = Stop Allowance Deductions, will automatically update any leave requests affected by the Event and refund/deduct any balance where appropriate, approx. 1 hour after the Event is applied. You do not need to manually amend any leave requests.
This process is a lot quicker than entering Public Holidays individually, but you will be required to manually add public holidays if they do not appear in our list.
Title: Events
Category: Events
Posted: Friday, 21st Mar 2014
By: Phil Cross
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